
“You know how to solve political correctness? Don’t do it.”~Brad Stine

"Only half the patients who go into an abortion clinic come out alive."~Author Unknown

"The fundamental human right, the presupposition of every other right, is the right to life itself. This is true of life from the moment of conception until its natural end. Abortion, consequently, cannot be a human right -- it is the very opposite. It is a deep wound in society."~ Pope Benedict XVI

"I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away."~Thomas Jefferson

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."~Benjamin Franklin

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."~Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria

"If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents - the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else's. But if their thoughts - i.e., of Materialism and Astronomy - are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents. It's like expecting that the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milk-jug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset."~C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Terrorists supported by tax dollars

No, I'm not talking about some conspiracy theory. I'm talking aobut the BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives). Would you believe me if I said that they invade homes without showing a warrant, illegally sieze/destroy thousands of dollars worth of property (primarily firearms), sieze ID (a practice not common since Hitler's SS/SA), and stomp kittens to death; or that they shoot innocent women and children? Probably not without those supporting articles from the Washington Times. The officials who authorized these actions and the officers who carried them out committed over a dozen felonies, from Assualt and Battery to Grand Theft to Murder to Treason. They violated the Second Amendment and the Fourth Amendment...and because they are members of a politically correct government orginization, they can get away with it. Once, a long time ago, when people in this country had guts and morals, we started a war with the most powerful country on Earth because of similar crimes. If "We the People" had guts like our forefathers and a good memory of those forefathers actions, we might see some prosecutions for these felonies and the removal of this unconstitutional orginization.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A shooting at one of the most Gun-restricted places

Tragedy struck on Thursday, February 14th, 2008: there was a shooting at NIU. Six people are dead, with over a dozen more injured.

Interesting...NIU has strict anti-gun rules in place. Some people say that Gun Control stops crime. Six dead men would argue against that. What if one of the 150 students had possessed a gun? Why, fire could have been returned and some people might still be alive. The situation couldn't have 'escalated', as some might be tempted to say. If someone is shooting at innocent, unarmed people, the situation can't really escalate any further! If the possession of guns is what causes crime, why don't these types of things happen out at shooting ranges, or in military bases, or police stations, or...Alaska and Vermont in general...where everybody has guns! Maybe could it be that since everyone has a gun, someone can take out the jerk before innocent people die?

I hope the Supreme Court strikes down the D.C. Gun laws in the upcoming decision. Maybe that could stop things like this before they start.

Edit: This man states it better than I ever could.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good news and bad news about the D.C. Gun Control Laws

For those who didn't know, next month the Communist Court--er, the Supreme Court--will be making a decision about D.C.'s Handgun Control laws (which are among the strictest in the country). The Good News is that a (bipartisan) majority of the U.S. Congress is supporting a Pro-Gun Rights decision. The bad news is that we had these laws in the first place.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

14-year-old has the right to kill himself, says judge.

Here is an article about it. That's right, a judge ruled that someone who doesn't have the maturity to own or drive a car has the maturity to make a decision that will kill him. If it were an adult, who should have the maturity to decide these things, I wouldn't be as concerned. But the court ruled that a child, a child that those very courts and justices decided wasn't even mature enough to drive or even go on with life without more schooling (Senior High School is still mandadtory, though that isn't enforced), has the maturity and right to make a decision to kill himself. My opinion: that's retarded. End of opinion.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well, it's that time of year again. Green and red everywhere, Santa posted all around, carols about Christ's birth being sung, and, inevitably, people claiming that millions are offended by Christmas. OK, so obviously only people who don't celebrate Christmas can be offended by it. But how many people in this country don't celebrate Christmas or Hannukah or whatever religious? Three? Or is that too high an estimate? Anyway, what's the real reason they're offended? The reason is that it's a holiday celebrating God, and they (who are "they", anyway?) are offended by Him (why are people offended by God?). Who's stupider, a guy who believes in the God he can't see, or the guy who is offended by that very God Whom he doesn't think exists? Think about that for a second. And which part of this Godly rhetoric offends you more, "Peace on Earth", or "Good will toward men"? Or maybe, is it the all the Love and Joy spreading around in this season? Or the pretty colors? Do references to Green and Red offend you, as well as white and black? Do you think martians will be offended by seeing their skin color? Wait, hang on, martians don't exist, so they can't be offended; sorry, my bad. Here's something for liberals to chew on: "You know what offends me? Offended people."~Brad Stine. If you find references to a Little Baby coming and saving us from ourselves offensive, you can just shut up. The Freedoms of Religion and Speech are mine too, so I can believe what I want. But wait, on that Baby note, is it offensive to you that the Baby was born? Since apparently you want to kill them all when they are unborn babies; I don't use zygote, embryo, or fetus as reference names for the babies: it's dehumanizing. Which sounds more politically correct, "I killed an unborn baby" or "I terminated the fetus"? It's a baby, not a science project.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

"Why did God let this happen?" Because of one word, "OK."

It's funny, after Katrina and 9-11, thousands of people said things like, "Oh, how could God let this happen?" I don't like that kind of thinking. When a person said, "No praying in school!", we said "OK". When someone said, "No God or Bible in public places and school!", we said, "OK". When people started portraying Christians as the losers and the bad guys, even then we said, "OK." For decades we've been telling God, "Get out of our country! Get out of our lives!" And we, as Christians, have done extremely little about it. And then, when someone stands up for their rights and their faith, they get ridiculed and, often, punished. What do we say then? "OK." Crude jokes, horrid language, and sometimes downright evil is allowed in public places, but saying "Peace on Earth, good will toward men" gets you fined. If you tell God to get out of your country and your life, God being the gentleman that He is, He will say, "OK." We can't, as a nation, expect the blessing of God if we aren't willing to even let Him into our country. I think we need to turn back to God, and then maybe we can ask why He lets things happen, because, right now, He has no reason to stop disasters.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A tainted view of beauty...

Nowadays, people tend to idolize many things, and then, we, the Christians and the other Conservatives , tend to reject or--more commonly--ignore it. Not because it's bad, but because it's been misconstrued, manipulated, and valued/idolized for the wrong reasons. The best example is Beauty; in Hollywood, there are hundreds of actors and musical-artists who are idolized and paid millions, not for their talent, like we used to pay them and value them for, but because they're pretty. Ever heard some of the 'musicians' play or 'singers' vocalize? Not a pretty sound...yet, still we give them fame and fortune, for virtually no reason. No, I have nothing against actors/singers, or more, I have nothing against actors/singers who can really act /sing. But, I hate it when they put a hot person on stage/screen for no reason other than that they look good; for goodness sake, I came to see a story represented realistically, which requires people who can act and represent things so that we can't help but believe them, so get Hilton off the screens and put someone up there who can actually act! And if she looks good, all the better; but that is not what we want to see. Now, I guess I need to say that I love pretty girls. But I want a day in age where Beauty is admired, where people think, "Oh wow, she looks pretty.," and are happy seeing something that looks good. It shouldn't be something sexual, and it shouldn't be something that makes people think that they're better or worse than everyone else. We need to revive the day in age when people who didn't appeal to the eye were just as valuable as those that didn't. A day in age where it makes no difference other thatn how long we look at the person, where it doesn't change how valuable we consider a person to be. But, unfortunately, we live in a day in age where beauty is represented as being a thing that everyone should want to have, that it makes a person better to be pretty, that the pretty people are more valuable than the normal and ugly people. But really, this shouldn't surprise us. Atheism reigns, which says that there is no Ultamite Moral Authority, no Creator, no One Who cared enough to make each and every individual person, and considers every single person to be specail and loved unconditionally by God; so, to them beautiful people really should be better than everyone else. But Jesus Christ loves everyone, every pretty person, every normal person, and every ugly person. I like to look at pretty people, I hope someday I have a pretty wife, but that is not what I value most. What I value most in the people I see is this:

3. A mind that works to its fullest capacity, no matter how smart or dumb that maximum capacity may be.
2. A heart that loves others and treats them kindly.
And most of all,
1. The will to act in a good and decent manner, and to do what's right, even when it seems to be the less desirable path.

Pretty is nice, and if you are beautiful or have a beautiful person in your life, appreciate that gift, but don't idolize it.

Remember 9-11

I will never forget the 3,000 innocent deaths. Will you forget them? I will never forget the men who have sacrificed themselves to protect my freedom, my rights, and my life; they paid with their lives. Will you forget them? I will never forget the people slaughtered brutally by a genocidal dictator. Will you forget them? The world will forget many things, but this I pray, that the people who died on the 11th of September and the soldiers who died afterwards will always be remembered, for as long as the Red, White, and Blue flies proud and strong. Osama, we're coming for you!